Friday, 10 December 2021

Why ‘It’s All in How You Raise Them’ is Failing Dogs


Something seen frequently is the idea that a young puppy is a blank canvas, implying that how the dog will develop as they grow into an adult is the responsibility of the people raising that puppy. Anything that occurs with the dog that does not fit into the human idea of a ‘normal’ dog is the fault of those people who must have done things wrong. According to this thinking, if raised correctly, any dog should be able to fit into almost any home, any family. This insistence causes so many issues, for people and for dogs.

One of the most debated questions when it comes to biology and development is ‘nature or nurture?’ Which has more influence on the development, genetics or learning? If ‘it’s all in how you raise them’ then the answer must surely be learning, right?

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Let Them Sniff

What if I told you that you do not need to run and run your dog to exercise them? That exercising their brains while out on a walk can do wonders for tiring them out. What’s even better is that it requires no equipment, other than maybe a long line if your dog’s recall isn’t as good as you would like or (as in the case of my dog) it’s safer to be able to gather them back in closer to you if something worries them?