
Saturday 31 October 2020

Celebrate, no matter how small the step!

Yesterday Finn and I did one of our park visits. It was a horrible day, a bit rainy and very blustery. There were people around the park, but all some distance away - apart from the workmen by the cricket pavilion who required a good staring at, as did the noisy kids on bikes but they were on the other side of the park. He was a little jumpy, as he often is when it's windy, but settled after just a minute or two, and did some beautiful loose lead walking, looking up at me and thoroughly engaged, then heading off to the end of the lead for a good sniff around when released to do so. Direction changes with a cheery 'Let's go!' resulted in a dog bouncing along beside me and looking for his reward. Lovely (if soggy) coaching session.

Friday 16 October 2020

Short and Sweet Spells Success!

Finn's park adventures with me have not happened for a few weeks now - even after the kids went back to school, the park we were going to in the next town was still busy the last few times I tried to go. I see no point in pushing things if there are more people there than I'm happy with and I definitely will not attempt it if I am unable to park somewhere I can get back to the car and Finn inside quickly if I want to beat a hasty retreat. Today was the first time I tried going there in a while that was quiet enough to try it.

Thursday 8 October 2020

What a Chronic Condition Has Taught Me About Anxious Dogs

I talk a lot on this blog about Finn and my much missed old boy Red - they are the reason the blog started, after all - but I rarely talk much about me. The dogs are far more interesting and much more photogenic. 😂 For a change today I am going to talk a little about me in relation to something dog related, so it's still relevant!