Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Why understanding is critical

I often talk about how important understanding body language is, to all levels of people that may be around dogs or interact with them in any way, as a canine professional, rescue volunteer, fosterer or dog owner/guardian. It has become something I no longer really think about saying but just add in to posts and articles, because it is such an obvious part of helping people help dogs, showing them that they need understanding before anything can change or progress. A few evenings ago though, the importance was brought back to me sharply, in a very personal way.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

“I’m not going to BRIBE my dogs to do as I tell them!”

This is along the lines of my absolute most hated comments. This idea that dogs should follow our commands, just because. As for the respect thing? Don’t even get me started! I don’t want my dog to have to ‘respect’ me. I’m not looking for an underling, or someone to look up to me. What I want from my dogs is for them to enjoy my company, to want to be with me, and to want to cooperate with me.