Friday, 28 June 2019

I'm a (puppy) party pooper

In theory, the idea of a puppy party must sound appealing to the family with their new little bundle of fur that's joined the family, and dog people are always banging on about how important socialisation is, so surely getting a whole bunch of puppies together like that can only be a good thing, right? All puppies love to play with other puppies, children etc, right?

Cute puppies may be (and he was SO cute!) but easy they most definitely are not!

A few days ago, I came across a post on Facebook on the subject of puppy parties and it's a really good take on the issues with the concept. Have a read - I've included it here with the kind permission of the author.

Friday, 14 June 2019

A catalyst for crossover

A declaration - I am a crossover trainer.

The greatest teacher I have ever known

As much as I might try to deny the aging process (I saw something the other day referring to the turn of the century and was utterly shocked to realise they meant the year 2000 rather than 1900!) I was born in the mid ‘70s and so, in terms of clear memories, am a child of the 1980s. Even I can no longer remain in true denial of just how long ago that really was, and that is definitely reflected in the differences in dog training methods in popular usage between then and now, some forty-something years later.